Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Hello class, this unit in social studies will be all about India. We are going to learn so much!

Please browse the videos, songs, pictures, and links to websites below. After you view them, do the activities!

When you’re done, you will do some more research on your favorite part of Indian culture and present to the class!

Passport to India

Get your passports we're going on a trip! This website will give you some background information on India!
Click here to go on an internet trip to India. Put in your destination (India) and follow the links to read all about India. When you're done, answer the questions in your online journal!

Trip to India

Read Aloud Children’s Book on India “Becka and the Big Bubble”

Listen and watch this book. What did Becka see? What would you want to see if you went to India? Please answer these questions the comments section.

Postcards from India

Imagine you are in India! Follow the link and write a postcard about what you see.

Make your own Postcard

History of India


watch this video on (remember our schools’ password)

After you watch you can:
Define vocabulary from the movie:

Take a quiz:

or Create a profile of Gandhi on a playing card

Check out this website

Click on whatever interests you, when you're done put a comment up about something you learned!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Travelogue India

OK, Now you're on your own! What interests you about Indian culture?
We are going to do some more exploring and then report what we learned in a newspaper!

Here are some ideas to get you started:





making bread

Indian festival



Here is the link to create your own newspaper! Good Luck!!